Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) – Our Goals

Creating a diverse, fair and inclusive work environment is the road we’re on, but there is a lot more we can do.

Our DEI mission is to grow together to make diversity our strength, build an inclusive and fair organisation where everyone feels valued, respected and included regardless of their background and identity.

At BOC we are committed to eliminating barriers that prevent employee success, support connections and collaboration and educate ourselves to build a culture of respect, support and understanding.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) – Our Goals

Learn more about how to get involved and what is going on at BOC

We work as a team to build an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. It is easy to get involved by joining one of our employee resource groups or the DEI Champion programme.

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Champion Programme

    Our DEI Champion programme has been designed to support the company's value of inclusion, enabling a diverse group of employees to work together to promote, challenge and develop ideas and solutions to further advance our inclusive culture and company environment. DEI Champions are employees who wish to volunteer their time to visibly support and foster diversity, equity and inclusive practices in their local teams. Everyone is welcome to join the programme and get involved.

  • Employee Resource Groups (ERG’s)

    Our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are voluntary, employee-led groups that serve as a resource for employees with common interests. Our ERGs are truly safe places where employees can come together to support each other and work towards common goals. Being part of an ERG is a great opportunity and the most rewarding and positive experience, both personally and professionally. It provides opportunities for development and growth, helps network within the company as well as gives a sense of community and belonging, not forgetting it's a great way to make new friends!

  • CARD @ BOC - Celebrating & Accelerating Racial Diversity at BOC

    CARD is an Employee Resource Group focused on attracting, retaining, and engaging employees from historically marginalised backgrounds. We believe that building a culture that is welcoming and inclusive is integral to people doing their best work and is essential to what we can achieve as a company.

  • Divergent Minds – Thinking Differently About Thinking Differently

    Divergent Minds Employee Resource Group aims to represent neurodivergent employees, and employees with loved ones who are neurodiverse. Divergent Minds’ mission is to create a neuro-minority friendly environment which is truly inclusive, barrier free, safe, supportive and free of judgement – a place where people feel comfortable disclosing their neurodiversity, empowered to do their best work and maintain a high level of productivity while being free to be their truest selves.

  • TAG - Talking About Gender

    The Gender Employee Resource Group’s mission is two-fold – to provide an inclusive space for employees of all genders to share experiences and find support, and to increase organisational awareness and understanding of gender issues in the workplace.

  • Ascend - BOC Early Professionals

    Our Early Professionals Employee Resource Group is a knowledge-share network to expand the understanding of different business areas within BOC as well as to encourage career progression within the graduate, apprentice, and young professional community.

  • CAPE – Carer and Parent Employees

    The Carer and Parent Employee Resource Group has been set up to support everyone with caring responsibilities, to raise awareness of the common issues that affect caregivers and share resources to help our people balance work and home life.
