Water & Wastewater Treatment Processes

BOC’s range of water and wastewater treatment processes include solutions for water purification and treatment, pH control and oxygenation for aquaculture.

Water & Wastewater Treatment Processes

Oxygenation solutions

Organic compounds in wastewater are digested by microorganisms in the treatment tank. To support the growth and performance of these micro organisms, air is pumped into the wastewater tanks. Pumping oxygen is 5 times more effective than pumping air and BOC’s oxygenation solutions are based on this principle.

Vitox and SOLVOX B®

Vitox and SOLVOX®-B are efficient oxygen transfer systems to enhance the aeration process in aerobic wastewater treatment systems.


Primox® is an economic sewage pre-treatment system, effective at preventing septicity.

Water Purification

Antimicrobial agents are to be added to drinking water and water in swimming pools and spas to purify it. BOC offers a suite of gases for water purification including chlorine, ammonia and sulphur dioxide.

pH Control Solutions


SOLVOCARB® is an environmentally friendly and easy to use carbon-dioxide based pH control system.

CO2 for pH
control in
Swimming Pools

pH balance system for swimming pools or spas using food-grade Carbon Dioxide (CO2) technology.

Ozone Generation

Ozone is extremely effective in the removal of trace organics, colour and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) in water. Oxygen is used for ozone generation.

Oxygenation for Aquaculture


SOLVOX® range of oxygenation systems provides optimised dissolution of oxygen and then perfect distribution of that oxygenated water within fish farms to provide health and economical benefits.

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