ADDvance® Sinter250

ADDvance Sinter250 for metal fused deposition modelling

To optimise sintering atmospheres and avoid oxidation in metal fused deposition modelling (FDM), we developed a bespoke gas mixture offering advanced atmosphere control. ADDvance Sinter250 is a special argon/hydrogen mix ideal for ensuring the integrity and strength of parts printed from stainless steel powders. We also supply a pure argon 5.0 gas for the manufacture of parts made from metal alloy and tool steel powders. 

Complementing this state-of-the-art atmosphere control gas solution, we offer customized installation kits to simplify and accelerate deployment of 3D printing systems such as Desktop Metal’s Bound Metal Deposition™ process, along with consultancy services, end-to-end gas supply schemes and advice on best practices in cylinder and feedstock storage.

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