- Why would I use CO2 instead of acid?
- CO2 has many benefits over the use of acid. There is no manual handling involved with CO2. There would also be no need for your staff to handle strong acids avoiding potential hazards that can occur. With CO2 the monitoring equipment ensures that a consistent pH is maintained without manual intervention. Therefore using CO2 minimises some of the risks of controlling pH in your pool. CO2 also provides crystal clear water, with much less chance of the water clouding.
- How much does CO2 cost?
- Typically CO2 costs depend on the size of the pool and the hardness of the water in the area. The larger the pool and the more alkaline (hard) the water is the more CO2 you will need to balance the pH. Call us now on 08457 302 302 and we can discuss your specific requirements in more detail.
- How is the CO2 delivered?
- Whether it’s CO2 cylinders or liquid, it will be delivered by a BOC vehicle and driver. Our dedicated staff ensure that you receive regular scheduled deliveries when you need them, avoiding the need for your staff to re-order. If for any reason you need extra deliveries, you can call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to place an order on 08457 302 302.
- I have my own tank – can you refill it?
- BOC is happy to fill customer owned tanks providing that the tank is properly maintained. BOC strives towards being as safe as possible and as such we need to know that your tank meets the required guidelines. We do however offer a range of tanks to suit your needs which can be rented – avoiding the need for you to maintain them. Why not leave the hard work to us and call us now on 08457 302 302 to discuss the options we have available.
- Is it safe to store CO2 indoors?
- Providing your tank is properly maintained it is safe to store CO2 indoors. CO2 is an asphyxiant and so does not support life therefore any CO2 stored should have correct ventilation and be secured properly. A risk assessment should be completed for all areas where CO2 will be stored. We do recommend the use of a CO2 monitor to ensure that any issues would be identified immediately. BOC have CO2 monitors available and would be happy to discuss these with you.
- How does CO2 work in a swimming pool?
- Adding CO2 to water forms Carbonic acid. This is a very mild acid and allows you to correct an alkaline pH. This means that you do not have to handle strong and dangerous acids to give your pool the correct pH. For more details please see our information sheet.
- CO2 is normally a gas, why do you have liquefied CO2?
- We cool the gas down under pressure to -57 degrees Celsius so that it becomes a liquid. As this is very cold it needs to be stored properly in one our tanks. The benefit of using it as a liquid is that it takes up much less space and so lasts a lot longer during use. If you only need a small amount of CO2, we may provide cylinders of gaseous CO2 to meet your needs.
- How can I get a quote for CO2 supply?
- Call our friendly and helpful customer service centre now on 08457 302 302. If needed we will send out one of our experienced specialists to discuss your options and requirements face-to-face.
- I use CO2 in my bar for dispensing drinks; do you supply that as well?
- Absolutely, BOC Sureserve is the leading provider of drinks dispense gases and we would be happy to discuss your requirements for this as well. Call us on 08457 302 302 to discuss this further.